Create Outputs Table

  1. There is a file called create_outputs_table.sql in the scripts/monero directory with the following contents.
    CREATE TABLE xmr_outputs
        address       VARCHAR(64),
        id            SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        amount        BIGINT,
        index         INTEGER,
        UNIQUE(amount, index)
  2. Run the following command in the scripts/monero directory to create the xmr_outputs table.
    psql -U postgres -h -W -f create_outputs_table.sql

    NOTE: Alternatively, you can create the xmr_outputs table by running the script called in the scripts/monero directory. You can run the command source and enter the Postgres user password when prompted.

  3. Populate the xmr_outputs table using the following steps.
    • Run the following commands to enter the psql shell.
      sudo su postgres
    • Run ONLY ONE of the following queries. These queries consider transactions upto block height 1541236. This block height was used by Yu et al in their FC 2019 paper.
      • Run the following query to consider all outputs (RingCT and pre-RingCT).
        INSERT INTO xmr_outputs(amount, index) SELECT ring_amount, UNNEST(ring_indices) FROM xmr_keyimages WHERE block_height <= 1541236 ON CONFLICT(amount, index) DO NOTHING;
      • To consider only RingCT outputs, run the following query. The difference from the previous query is the AND ring_amount=0 clause.
        INSERT INTO xmr_outputs(amount, index) SELECT ring_amount, UNNEST(ring_indices) FROM xmr_keyimages WHERE block_height <= 1541236 AND ring_amount=0 ON CONFLICT(amount, index) DO NOTHING;

    NOTE: The point of creating the xmr_outputs table is to generate a unique integer index for every output. Then any edge in the CryptoNote transaction graph can be represented as a pair of integers: the key image index and the output index.