Interacting with the Contract

Do the following in the Remix IDE:

  1. Go to the Deployed Contracts section of the Remix Side Panel.

  2. In the section corresponding to SimpleStorage, you should see two buttons labeled set and get.

  3. Click the get button. It should return the value 0. The string uint256: 0 will appear below the get button.

  4. Enter an integer value (say 32) into the input box next to the set button and click it.

  5. A Metamask window will popup asking you to confirm the set transaction. Click the Confirm button.

    Remix Simple Storage Set Tx Metamask Popup

  6. You will see a notification in the Remix terminal that the transaction is pending. After a few seconds, there will be another notification in the Remix terminal that the transaction was included in a block.

  7. Click the get button. It should return the value 32. The string uint256: 32 will appear below the get button.